I have burned the Tarot. AANME Archivio Nuevos Medios de Ecuador

[.BOX]Videoart Project Space presenta in collaborazione con la Casa degli Artisti l’incontro con con la directora dell’Archivio AANME, Maria Bélen Moncayo.

AANME Associacion Archivio Nuevos Media di Quito compie 20 anni di attività di ricerca, archiviazione e diffusione della videoarte ecuadoriana su territorio nazionale e internazionale, attraverso collaborazioni e scambi culturali con diversi paesi. In questa occasione sarà proiettata la selezione curatoriale di videoarte ecuadoriana ” I have burned the tarot” fortemente improntata sul corpo performativo e in continua trasformazione.

[…] “Bodies that from performativity seek to flow organically with those radical latencies that bare the soul before the mirror. Bodies that from obstinacy question to paroxysm the stereotypes of the flesh, of sound, of the image. Deformed mouths that laugh out loud at the symbolic representation. Palimpsests that offer indecipherable, impossible texts; written on the skin as burnt as the tarot.”[…] Maria Bélen Moncayo

[…] “Corpi che dalla performatività cercano di fluire organicamente con quelle latenze radicali che mettono a nudo l’anima davanti allo specchio. Corpi che dall’ostinazione mettono in discussione fino al parossismo gli stereotipi della carne, del suono, dell’immagine. Bocche deformi che ridono a crepapelle della rappresentazione simbolica. Palinsesti che propongono testi indecifrabili, impossibili; scritti come tarocchi sulla pelle bruciata.” […] Maria Bélen Moncayo



Con la presenza di María Bélen Moncayo, curatrice di AANME, in dialogo con Alessandra Arnò, curatrice di [.BOX]Videoart. 

Screening video di: Tomás Astudillo, Jenny Jaramillo, María José Machado, Romina Muñoz, Daya Ortiz, Patricio Palomeque, Wilmer Pozo, Lorena Serrano, Ana María Vela.



María Belén Moncayo

Researcher, curator and archivist from Quito. In 2001, she created the AANME Archive, an independent collection dedicated to the enhancement of Ecuadorian experimental audiovisuals; of which she is its director. Author of the book ECUADOR, 100 experimental audiovisual artists 1929-2011. Her curatorships have been exhibited in seven countries in America and six in Europe. Tutor of master’s thesis in cinema and contemporary art in the field of video art. She is currently preparing a book on the filmography of Eduardo Solá Franco, whose films were restored by the Tisch School of the Arts-NYU, through her management. She is a Spanish language tutor for the English-speaking context, feminist companion and civil disobedient.


The Ecuador New Media Archive Association (hereinafter AANME Archive) is an independent non-profit institution. The Aanme Archive is based in Quito, at the home of its director, María Belén Moncayo. The AANME Archive does not have resources of any kind for its permanent support; it is run by activism, resistance and the income that is sporadically received from one project or another.

The AANME Archive oversees the documentation and archive of the work in moving image (video art and experimental cinema) of national and foreign artists living in Ecuador and of Ecuadorian artists based outside the country, who now make up an agenda of 300 people.

The event is finished.


26 Set 2023
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19:30 - 20:30


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